Committee Meeting Minutes
Internal Operations Committee
Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Vice Chair
Call In: 888-278-0254 Conference code: 845965
11:00 AM
Monday, December 9, 2024
309 Diablo Rd, Danville
3361 Walnut Blvd, Suite 140, Brentwood
Call In: 888-278-0254
Conference code: 845965
The public may attend this meeting in person at either above location. The public may also
attend this meeting remotely via Zoom or call-in.
Diane Burgis and Candace Andersen
Call to Order
Chair Burgis called the meeting to order at 11:02 a.m. and introduced the Committee. In attendance
were Mario DiPrisco, Chrystine Robbins, Timothy Ewell, Sarah Kennard, Enid Mendoza, Alicia
Nuchols, Elizabeth Farrell, Adam Nguyen, Bob Campbell, Anissa Basoco, Villarreal, Chris De Dios,
District II Office, District III Office, John Henry, Shane Reisman, Paul Detjens and Julie Enea.
Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda
(speakers may be limited to two (2) minutes).
No one requested to speak during the general public comment period.
RECEIVE and APPROVE the Record of Action for the November 14, 2024 Special
Internal Operations Committee meeting. (Julie Enea, County Administrator's Office)
Chair Burgis and Vice Chair Andersen
CONSIDER recommending to the Board of Supervisors the appointment of Steven Piser to
the Member of the Bar seat on the Public Law Library Board of Trustees for the one-year
term of January 1 through December 31, 2025. (Julie Enea, County Administrator's Office)
Julie Enea presented the staff report and recommendation. The Committee met with
Steven Piser, the sole applicant for the vacant seat, and decided to recommend him to the