Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and
preference of the Committee
Roll Call and Introductions
Thomas Lang issued welcome new the MAC member Jedd Hart.
George Cleveland, Teri Edlinger, James Hermann, Thomas Lang,
Randy Lloyd, Monica Norris, and Tom Owens
Melinda McLain
Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda
(speakers may be limited to two minutes).
Approval of Minutes:
This Discussion Item was approved.
P.1. County Update, Supervisor John Gioia
Speakers: Ronnie Mills (District 1, Supervisor John Gioia)
P.2. Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Update
P.3. Sheriff’s Office Bay Station Update, Lt. Brian Holland
P.4. California Highway Patrol (tentative)
P.5. Sobrante Water Treatment Plant Improvements, Y’anad Burrell & Joe Voelker
Speakers: Y’anad Burrell & Jae Park
P.6. Contra Costa Senior Legal Services, Matt Hulse
Speakers: Matt Hulse
P.7. Central Assembly Environmental Testing Update, John Promani
Speakers: Wyatt Ptak
Discussion Items:
CDDP24-03037 - Applicant requests approval of a Development Plan for the construction of a new
3,500 SF building with 5 residential units. The scope includes the removal of at least 2 code-protected
trees, a new driveway and sidewalk work.
The MAC tabled further discussion for November due to a