Human Services Committee  
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Chair  
Supervisor Ken Carlson, Vice Chair  
Monday, September 25, 2023  
10:30 AM 1025 Escobar Street, Rm 110, Martinez |  
d28h.1 | USA (888) 278-0254  
Conference code: 382517  
The public may attend this meeting in person at either above location. The public may also  
attend this meeting remotely via Zoom or call-in.  
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the  
Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers  
may be limited to two (2) minutes).  
RECEIVE and APPROVE the Record of Action for the August 4, 2023 Family  
and Human Services Committee (FHS) meeting (Danielle Fokkema, FHS Staff)  
CONSIDER recommending to the Board of Supervisors appointment of Mattieu  
Rogers to the Low-Income Sector Alternate 2 Seat with a term expiring on June  
30, 2024 and the reappointments of Alison McKee to Private/Non-Profit Sector 3  
Seat, Monisha Merchant to Private/Non-Profit Sector 4 Seat, Devlyn Sewell to  
Private/Non-Profit Sector 5 Seat, Desire Medlen to Low-Income Sector 3 Seat  
with terms expiring on June 30, 2025 on the Contra Costa Economic Opportunity  
Council. (Christina Reich, EOC Staff)  
CONSIDER recommending to the Board of Supervisors the reappointment of the  
fourteen individuals to the Advisory Council on Aging (ACOA) with terms  
expiring on September 30, 2025, as recommended by the Council. (Ana Bagtas,  
ACOA Staff)  
CONSIDER accepting the Annual Update on Homeless Continuum of Care and  
FORWARD to the Board of Supervisors for their information, as recommended  
by the Health Services Department. (Christy Saxton, Director, Health, Housing  
and Homeless Services Division and Jamie Schecter, Homeless Services Chief)  
CONSIDER accepting the Council on Homelessness (COH) Quarter 2 report and  
FORWARD to the Board of Supervisors for their information, as recommended  
by the Health Services Department. (Juno Hedrick, Chair)  
CONSIDER accepting the Health Care for the Homeless Annual Update report  
and presentation and FORWARD to the Board of Supervisors for their  
information, as recommended by the Health Services Department. (Heather  
Cedermaz, Medical Director; Sara Cortez, Program Director and Gabriella  
Quintana, Manger)  
CONSIDER accepting the status report from the Employment and Human  
Services Department (EHSD) on the Independent Living Skills Program (ILSP)  
activities and presentation on youth services, and FORWARD to the Board of  
Supervisors for their information. (Marla Stuart, EHSD Director)  
The next meeting is currently scheduled for October 23, 2023 at 10:30am.  
General Information  
This meeting provides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend a the  
meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting. Any disclosable public  
records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority  
of members of the Committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 1025  
Escobar St., 4th Floor, Martinez, during normal business hours. Staff reports related to items on the agenda are  
Persons who wish to address the Committee during public comment on matters within the jurisdiction of the  
Committee that are not on the agenda, or who wish to comment with respect to an item on the agenda, may  
comment in person, via Zoom, or via call-in. Those participating in person should offer comments when invited  
by the Committee Chair. Those participating via Zoom should indicate they wish to speak by using the “raise  
your hand” feature in the Zoom app. Those calling in should indicate they wish to speak by pushing *9 on their  
Public comments generally will be limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. In the interest of facilitating the  
business of the Board Committee, the total amount of time that a member of the public may use in addressing the  
Board Committee on all agenda items is 10 minutes. Your patience is appreciated.  
Public comments may also be submitted to Committee staff before the meeting by email or by voicemail.  
Comments submitted by email or voicemail will be included in the record of the meeting but will not be read or  
played aloud during the meeting.  
Danielle Fokkema, Committee Staff, (925) 655-2047