To: Board of Supervisors
From: Monica Nino, County Administrator
Report Title: Measure X project updates
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
RECEIVE reporting and presentations on Measure X funded projects and performance measures in a joint session of the Board of Supervisors and Measure X Community Advisory Board.
There are no direct fiscal impacts related to receiving reporting from county departments on status updates and outcomes for Measure X funded projects.
On November 3, 2020, voters in Contra Costa County approved Measure X, a Countywide, 20-year, half-cent sales tax. The ballot measure language stated the intent of Measure X as "to keep Contra Costa's regional hospital open and staffed; fund community health centers, emergency response; support crucial safety-net services; invest in early childhood services; protect vulnerable populations; and for other essential county services."
Today's discussion includes presentations on project updates and performance measures from the departments that have Measure X allocations. More details on the status of funded Measure X projects and related expenditures are provided in the Annual Report (Attachment A), Allocations Summary Table (Attachment B), Performance Measures Summary (Attachment C), and presentations (Attachments D-Q).
To improve Measure X reporting and transparency and better inform the public and key stakeholders, the County Administrator's Office has launched an improved Measure X website. The new website features information about Measure X in an easy-to-access format, including an interactive dashboard providing detailed information on allocations and status updates, Reports and Key Meetings, Measure X advisory bodies, and Frequently Asked Questions. The Project Explorer tool allows a website visitor to view information on a specific project, such as program descriptions, status updates, the agency re...
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